Nothing more dangerous than giving a writer an unfettered forum in which to say whatever the fuck she wants, with no unasked for input from strangers.
And so, here I am.
In this section, you'll find my views on whatever doesn't fit into antisemitism or geopolitics. Lucky you.
Yes, I know the song is 2525, but as I definitely won't be alive then, work with me.
First, how fucking amazing is it that we made it through the first twenty-five years of the century and millennium! Ok, I guess technically we have only made it TO the twenty-fifth year, but whatevs.
I've been through four career moves, lost eight dogs (I have adopted many seniors and some were two at a time), and now written two novels.
The world saw 9/11, a complete change to how we live and travel, the horrors of Oct. 7th, 2023 and everything that's ensued since, the never-ending war in Ukraine, and the endless gaslighting by men to convince women that all they have to do is say they're women and POOF! Because, ya know, they're men, so anything we can be, they can be better.
In their fucking dreams. History will look back on this insanity and the number of idiots who swore a dick can still be a vagina, and they will laugh their asses off at the endless insanity that is humanity.
I don't have to hate you to tell you you're delusional. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
But back to 2025.
Thank god the era of insane Dems and Biden will be done forever. Almost makes me believe there is a god.
I hope Jill is proud that she got her free AF1 rides at the cost of her husband becoming a babbling idiot for all to see.
Good job, sis. Now go fuck off.
The year ahead for me will be lots of marketing and advertising decisions (hopefully leading to lots of sales and no, not one will be on any form of social media), submitting my novel for any possible and appropriate awards, likely doing a bunch of interviews, and attending some conferences.
And of course, determining what my next novel will be about. I think it will be a sequel to the current one, but I won't swear to that just yet. And even a sequel leaves much to be decided.
I'm feeling pretty good, all things considered. This morning, I lay in bed and luxuriated in no body parts hurting or being numb--something I certainly don't take for granted anymore.
I'm grateful for yet another rescue dog--this one much younger than I've had in decades and requiring plenty of patience and training. He's lovable as all get out, and searching for a herd of cattle or sheep he would like to round up. This boy has energy for days and every herding dog habit on the books, from ankle biting to crazy circles to an ability to run, stop on a dime and turn that would qualify him for any circus.
Here's to a great year ahead, y'all. I wish you all health, wealth and happiness.
When I was ten, I had a bad skiing accident that left me with a spiral fracture in one tibia and three months in a solid plaster cast while it healed.
On the surface of it, it healed fine.
But when it gets cold out, the spot on my shin aches, and there's not much you can do to alleviate it.
There's some scientific reason for this, which I've read about, but can't recall. The point is, the body remembers every trauma, even if it doesn't always show its hand.
Our culture is so obsessed with "curing" trauma, whether PTSD or physical pain. I also have four enormous screws holding my body together, and again, while mostly, I can function normally, occasionally the muscles attached cramp up and some $400 gizmo I bought after surgery that intensely massages and releases the muscles is worth its weight in gold.
I think we kid ourselves that all things can be overcome. Managed, at least most of the time: perhaps. But we are impaired in some permanent and life-altering way, and there's no shame in that.
We label everything "mental illness" now if it doesn't fit in with some bucolic life vision. What complete bullshit. You can be completely sane and still hurt beyond repair, mentally, emotionally or physically.
To all my fellow survivors of surgeons' knives and accidents and bones fused back together: namaste.
Stay warm. 'Tis the season to be melancholy.