People are confused about war, politics, conflicting world views, and a whole bunch of other crap.
Like that relationship status option: it's complicated.
I'm here to sort it out for all y'all.
Let me preface this by saying: the Dems having the biggest meltdowns seem to be the politicians themselves. Well, and the crazy fringe people, but they're ubiquitous.
The pols are also the ones who continue to be utterly deaf, dumb and blind to the reality of what they're facing: extinction.
I read one pol saying that the Dems need to be stop being the party of the "status quo." Honey, nobody sees you that way. You are the party of exponential crime rates, cuckoo border policies, the worst misogyny against real women with your "if it has a dick, it's still a broad" legislation, and so much more. Nobody normal can even wrap their heads around your bizarre philosophies.
And let's not pretend that George Souros and a litany of other very rich Dems weren't doing exactly the same shit that Elon Musk is: i.e., whatever the fk they choose. Why do you think people amass billions in wealth? It's not for lifestyle, nobody needs five helicopters and accompanying landing pads. It's for power and influence, and it's always been that way.
And that's why the Bolsheviks and the tsars and ayotollahs are really exactly the same: they're all power-crazy autocrats who kill anyone who disagrees with them.
So stop with the "threat to democracy" bullshit. The truth is that ALL POLITICIANS are a potential threat to democracy and so are many, if not most, "movements."
We need to be a bit more cynical and also reality-based as a country. No party is wonderful. They are all in it for their own pocketbooks and power. From unions to billionaires and everything in between.
That being said, you pick the one that at least represents some of your interests most of the time.
Don't get me wrong--I'm extremely amused by all the highly degreed (note: there is NOT A HYPHEN there, and that is correct) Democrat "experts" who are still muttering and sputtering, three months post-election. The reason they lost is precisely because they have no idea why they lost.
They live in a world of their own making, where men with dicks in tutus are welcomed into high roles in government and allowed to compete against girls in sports. Where illegal immigrants are not only welcomed, but completely supported, and when they commit crimes, we are told it is us, the American people, who are prejudiced.
I read a quote recently from Jen Psaki--former WH press chick and now MSNBC drone---allow me to post it for you below, because you truly cannot make this shit up:
"I think we were speaking in a manner that was so academic an [sic] Ivory Tower, it wasn't talking about a lot of the things people actually care about… I think they voted in some ways against protection of status quo and the disconnected academic Ivory Tower elite language that is too often used by Democrats," she said. "One of my takeaways after the election was cross-authoritarianism and oligarchy out of every script. Nobody talks this way."
Um, Jen, honey, the reason y'all lost--besides your endless insane policies--is because not one of you can string a goddamned sentence together that makes a lick of sense. Do not flatter yourself that you speak in any kind of "Ivory Tower" way--you speak like a motherfucking idiot, sister. Complete and total gibberish, just like KamKam. Maybe it's like Pig Latin and it makes sense to y'all, but the rest of us are out here going WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DID SHE JUST SAY?
And btw, honey, I come from three generations of Harvard grads and not a one talks like you do.
Anyhoo, let's do a GFM or sumpin for the lot of them, before we have to put 'em all in straightjackets. They are going round the bend, as the Brits say.
For the past SIXTEEN MONTHS, the West has happily gone along with "negotiations" with Ham Ass, a full-blown, virulently antisemitic terrorist group that freely espouses the elimination of all Jews from planet Earth.
Y'all were just fine with that.
But when Trump tries to negotiate with Russia's dictator, suddenly your panties are in a wad.
Why? You fucking hypocrites.
Russia is estimated to have lost some 100,000 in the war, far more than in Gaza. Many, if not most, were "drafted," i.e., forced to fight--they weren't professional soldiers. I will be honest: I don't give a fuck about Russians, but if you're whacked out about Palestinians--many of whom support Hamas and also hate Jews and wish us dead---why aren't you equally upset about Russkies?
All wars bring collateral damage---the polite term for civilian casualties. And I have yet to see a war end that didn't bring with it a fairly wide swath of complete 360 on how enemy countries are seen.
America was instrumental in rebuilding Nazi Germany after WWII---and such a tiny fraction of Nazis were killed for their atrocities. Many more were hired and brought to the US, courtesy of Uncle Sam, to work in aerospace, "science," and intelligence. Allen Dulles couldn't wait to learn all about the techniques Nazis had used to torture Jews and other concentration camp victims.
Japan is now a major ally, and they were our arch enemy during the war. Russia was our least after 1941...and then they weren't.
Diplomacy, treaties, ceasefires are all a degree of bullshit that largely mean nothing. Wars are seldom about only what is espoused. And the end of wars often do not end what the fighting was about.
Wake up and smell the vodka. Russia won't change, and the Middle East certainly won't, either.
There's a great show, now in its third season, called 'Special Forces: World's Toughest Test,' that features real American and Brit SF experts and a bunch of whiney TikTok, D-list TV celebrities and a few elite athletes of yesteryear.
Watching all these self-important morons be put in their places and put through their paces by the Special Forces guys is just the greatest thing ever, and it's gotten me thinking: we need to make everyone in Congress go on this show. Let's see what the idiots in Washington are really made of, eh?
See them shit their pants when they have to walk across a 250-foot ravine on a tight rope. Just picturing some of the old-timer libbies in this scene is so much fun.
Don't we want politicians with grit? Forget campaign promises. Make AOC grab a helicopter overhead from a moving boat, and let's see if she finally shuts up.
I say, We the People should demand our representatives show us if they really have any courage, or if they just like to yak in the Capitol about god knows what.
You're welcome.