People are confused about war, politics, conflicting world views, and a whole bunch of other crap.
Like that relationship status option: it's complicated.
I'm here to sort it out for all y'all.
The big post-debate news was that Taylor Swift has come out for KamKam, and that's not an SNL skit.
In our TikTok'd "influencer" world, she is apparently the number one in this realm.
I will give the girl props to making it to the top of one of the hardest professions to succeed in long-term. But, people: she probably hasn't been in a supermarket, pumped gas, or even written a check in 20 years.
She has people for all of that. And more money than God.
So how, pray tell, is she in a position to pick a candidate to help us out of the worst mess this country has seen in my lifetime? She doesn't even know what that mess is.
I think we can all agree that neither of our presidential candidates are rocket scientists. It's also patently obvious that presidents don't make any major decisions--or even talk to anyone of real import--anymore. They use their Cabinet for that.
Has anyone even seen Joey Boy since he handed off his throne? No. Why? Because he no longer serves any purpose as a front man, which is all he ever was, and he sucked at it.
KamKam and her fake Jew husband are ridiculous, and Donald isn't much better. It's almost as if the Deep State folks WANT the stupidest people possible, because then they won't have to deal with any pushback.
On this topic: unless you have been involved in animal rescue for decades like I have, you can stop laughing at the idea that people from Third World countries eat pets. It's not exactly a news flash.
And why do the Dems spend so much time finger-wagging at Israel, but when Ukraine invades Russia, I hear nary a peep? Do you think no civilians are killed in those ops or that anyone gives a fuck? Oh, that's right, it's just a bunch of white people.
I saw a picture of Gazans making their way into Egypt yesterday. None looked even slightly thin and 95% were men. Give that some thought, kidlets.
There's a simple reason all politicians are so amazingly out of touch with the average American's reality: they're never in it.
Think about it: for governors, congressmen, and especially the top dawgs in the White House, they live in a completely different universe than we do.
Their upscale housing is supplied and maintained--gratis. They have help: for food shopping, meal prep, cleaning, child care, and of course, for personal security.
Not one of them could tell you from experience what an average grocery bill is these days, or how much we all have to crunch our budgets to within an inch of our lives to pay our bills.
I don't know about you, but in the past 14 months, I've probably eaten out three times. I try to drive as seldom as possible to save on gas. I make Amazon lists, and then uncheck 85% of what's on there before I place an order.
Life isn't much fun these days, and in asking friends and strangers alike: everyone agrees with this consensus.
Kam and Don should have to spend their campaign time finding out how real people live. Where we shop and what we can't afford. And I am not destitute by any means, but I would say costs across the board--from food to gas to utilities to dining out to clothes--have easily doubled in the past two years.
I am lucky if I end up with $20 left at the end of the month, and that's not hyperbole. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone.
I don't buy gifts for holidays or birthdays anymore. I did buy some dog toys for a friend's new rescue, and the joy those have brought him made the expense more than worth it. But that's it.
Make Kam have to manage her own budget, grocery shop, drive, and my favorite: deal with AI customer service bots, all of whom should die in a robotic fire. The worst invention in the history of man.
Have her freak out when she gets daily notices of what's been "compromised"--the buzzword for another company's crappy security measures got hacked, and now we're all in danger of being cloned. It's exhausting.
Let her think through all her security decisions, and how when she is out in public, she must constantly assess danger vs. the possibility of having her ass hauled off to jail if god forbid she makes the wrong call, or someone else gets injured in her self-defense.
Let her have to buy her own firearms and ammo, including to practice, and pay her own range fees.
Her wardrobe is ghastly and looks like she buys the same suit at Kohl's in 20 colors, so I'll leave that one alone.
Anyway, that's my suggestion for changing the ridiculosity that is American politics and their sense of self-importance across the board. Bipartisan pathological narcissism at its best.
Will this ever happen? Of course not. Meanwhile, the Great Unwashed Masses will eat the bullshit doled out by all of them.
My favorite is "On Day One..."--bitch (or bastard), on Day One you will learn where the fucking bathrooms are in the White House. You don't have some autocratic wand to wave and pass laws.
I think we can all agree that "democracy" is long gone, and much more due to the unprogressive left--which is already ruining the college experience for Jews everywhere as the new fall terms begin.
This is NOT "free speech"--it's fascism thinly veiling antisemitism. You do not have the right to say jack shit when I'm around.
Am Yisrael Chai.
A recent full-on blood-drawing brawl in the Turkish parliament gave me a great idea: let's bring back the Roman coliseum, but with only politicians. It's brilliant!
Forget boring debates with two idiots whose knowledge of foreign policy or economics wouldn't fill an Albanian postage stamp. Instead, bring back spectator sport, and let all these morons off each other for our entertainment, Roman-style.
Whoever wins still has to face another politician, so it's an efficient and entertaining way to get rid of the "no term limits" Congress as well.
I'm suprised no one has thought of this at Netflix, tbh. The ratings would be through the unattended-by-Secret-Service-men-and-breastfeeding-women roof. Boom!
(I know even the Bureau boys chuckled at that one).
The show's name? How about 'End Game'? No? Maybe 'The Bungler Games'?Catchy and clever.
Or 'Survivor: Do You Have What It Takes to Run the Show?'
Any of you showrunners out there reading this, call me maybe. Let's do lunch and see if you give this idea a thumbs up.
You're welcome.
Miranda Armstadt
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